Usability testing - Conduct Usability Test Sessions

5 important questions on Usability testing - Conduct Usability Test Sessions

What are the key activities in a usability test session?

  • Preparation of session
  • Briefing –Pre-session instructions
  • Pre-session interview
  • Moderation
  • Post-session interview

What's the desciption of the key activity: Preparation of session?

The moderator prepares the hardware, the software product and the test tasks for the test session before the test participant arrives.

What's the desciption of the key activity: Briefing – Pre-session instructions?

The moderator informs the test participant about the purpose of the usability test and what their role and contribution are.
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What's the desciption of the key activity: Moderation

The test participant solves usability test tasks, which he/she receives from the moderator. While solving tasks, the usability test participant is encouraged to think aloud. The moderator quietly observes the usabilitytest participant during usability test task solution. The moderator guides the test participant if they get completely stuck, usually by moving on to the next test task.

What's the desciption of the key activity: Post-session interview?

The usability test participant answers questions from the moderator about their experience and general impression of the usability of the software product.
Key questions are “Which 2-3 things did you like most about the
software product?” and “Which 2-3 things are most in need of

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