Usability testing - Communicate Results and Findings

5 important questions on Usability testing - Communicate Results and Findings

What's unique aspect of usability testing?

They show what representative users are able to accomplish with the software product when they carry out representative tasks.

What should a moderator not do?

  • Eliciting opinions from users
  • Discussing with users

Why is the question "Is the design of the home page appropriate for the online CD Shop?" not a good usability test task?

Becaus it's opinioned based.
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What's an example of a test participant expressing his/hers opinion? What can you do?

"I can do this easily but most others will have serious problems".
Ask "Why do you think so?"

Is it acceptable to report findings that are based on usability test participants’ opinions about asoftware product.

Yes, if they are expressed spontaneously by a majority of the usability test participants.

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