Usability testing - Step-By-Step Approach to Usability Testing

6 important questions on Usability testing - Step-By-Step Approach to Usability Testing

Name the three steps of usability testing?

  • Prepare usability test
  • Conduct usability test sessions
  • Communicate results and findings

What are the task associated with preparing a usability test?

  • Create usability test plan
  • Recruit usability test participants
  • Write usability test script(s)
  • Define usability test tasks
  • Pilot usability test session

What are the task associated with conducting usability test sessions of usability testing?

  • Prepare session
  • Perform briefing with pre-session instructions
  • Conduct pre-session interview
  • Moderate session
  • Conduct post-session interview
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What are the task associated with communicate results and findings of usability testing?

Analyze findings
Write usability test report
Sell findings (i.e., convince people)

Who's involved in a usability test and what is his taks?

  • A usability test participant, who is performing representative tasks on the software product or a prototype of the software product.
  • A moderator, a neutral person who conducts the usability test session.
  • Note-taker.
  • Observers.

What is imported with usability testing?

  • Usability testing should be done under conditions which are as close as possible to those under which the software product will be used (setting up a mocking office or a living room).
  • It should be possible to observe usability test sessions from a neighboring room so that stakeholders can observe the effect of the actual software product on real people. 

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