The Appraisal Profession

5 important questions on The Appraisal Profession

What purposes is used for Historic Appraisal?

1- Capital gains tax,
2- For probating a will and selling an estate (date of death),
3- For expropriation (date of registration of survey),
4- For settling a fire insurance claim (date when the fire occurred), or
5- For a marriage separation (date of separation or divorce).

What accuracy of appraisal depends on?

finding good comparables (sold or listed) that need few adjustments.

This includes inspection of the neighborhood, the subject property, and comparable sales.
• The sales history of the property from MLS® is useful if there are no comparables.• Comparison of taxes of the subject with comparables is required as lower taxes are an attraction to buyers.
• The demand and supply scenario in the area is analyzed.
• The highest and best use of the property is determined

What are effects of Zoning and Municipal Information?

• Zoning and presence or lack of building permits can impact value.
• The appraiser needs to know if the property conforms to zoning or is a legal non-conforming structure.
• If non-conforming, a requisite Assumption and Limiting Condition should be added to report.
• Only a lawyer can provide an opinion whether or not the property conforms to zoning.
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What are different uses Improved Site?

• Current Use: The current use may be the highest and best use if –
➢ the improvements conform to zoning,
➢ they conform to other homes in the neighbourhood, and
➢ they add value to land.
• Other Use: If the current use is not the highest and best use the appraiser would look at an alternative use.

What are highest and best use of properties?

• Zoning Conformance: What is or not allowed to be built on the site? The highest and best use should conform to zoning.
• Physical Characteristics: Is the proposed use physically possible depending on size and shape of site?
• Economic Feasibility: Is there a demand for proposed use and would it be economically feasible?

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