Common biases - Biases Emanating from the Confirmation Heuristics

9 important questions on Common biases - Biases Emanating from the Confirmation Heuristics

What is Confirmation Heuristics?

Confirming the information you have

The field of decision making can roughly be divided into to parts:

the study of prescriptive models and the study of descriptive models

What is the Affect Heuristics?

System 1 thinking, mental short cut that make decisions and solve problems quickly. Emotional reponse, or effect in psychological terms, plays a lead role

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Prescriptive decision scientists develop methods for making  optmal decisions

descriptive decision researchers consider how decisions are actually made

Bias 8: Confirmation trap (ловушка потверждения) ?

People try to find or focused on the information that confirm that they were right.

1. Bias 9: Anchoring (якорь, ярлык) ?

Estimate by starting with an initial anchor that is based on information is provided and adjust from initial anchor to yield a final answer

Bias 10: Conjuctive events?

Overestimation of events. Optimistic view. One of the alternatives are right.

Bias 10: Disjunctive event?

Underestimation of events. It leads people to expect the worst. Both of two alternatives cannot be right

Bias 12: Curse of knowledge?

Difficulty with overestimating or learning when you have alredy know something about the particular information

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