Bounded Awareness - Change Blindness

5 important questions on Bounded Awareness - Change Blindness

"Slippery slope" (Скользкий путь) of unethical behaviour?

People are more willing to accept ethical lapses (провалы) when they occur in several small steps than they occur in one large step

Sample size is rarely a part of our intuition

When responding to problems dealing with sampling, people often use the representativeness heuristic.

The logic concerning misconceptions of chance provides a process explanation of the "gamblers fallacy"

due for a good hand, change the winning number (not twice the same number)

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The human mind has a powerful ability to detect patterns

but this ability often leads us to see patterns where there are none

the conjunction fallacy can also be triggered by a greater availability of the conjunction than of one of its unique descriptors

That is, if the conjunction creates more intuitive matches with vivid events, acts, or people than a component of the conjunction, the conjunction is likely to be perceived, falsely, as more probable than the component

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