Common biases - Integration and Commentary

4 important questions on Common biases - Integration and Commentary

a manifestation of System 1 thinking, the affect heuristic...

is all the more likely to be used when people are busy or under time constraints.

What are the features of the availability heuristic?

  1. Something that pops up in your mind is the most likely choice
  2. Thoughts are structured in a particular way

What are the features of the representativeness heuristic?

  1. Not the complete case is being observed
  2. The focus is on (personal) features that have nothing to do with the real answer
  3. The sample size, chances and regression is not viewed
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What are the features of the confirmation heuristic?

  1. People are not trying to falsify, eventhough this is necessary.
  2. Anchoring
  3. Overestimating their judgment
  4. People do not use all the information they got

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