Adjectives and adverbs

6 important questions on Adjectives and adverbs

Adverbs come in three forms. Name them.

The degrees of comparison. 1) absolute
2) comparative
3) superlative.

A nice climate, a nicer climate, the nicest climate.

What are coordinate adjectives?

That is when the adjectives modify the same noun in a sentence.

For example:
In that long, hot summer I did dedicated and tireless efforts to finish my thesis.

Do you always need to separate coordinate adjectives?

Yes, You should always separate coordinate adjectives within the same sentences by the word 'and' or a comma.
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What is the role of the adjective in the following sentences:
The man feels good.
The girl seems sympathetic.
My food tastes bad.

The adjective acts as a complement to a linking verb.

What is a adverb?

Adverbs can modify or describe a verb.

For example:
That student speaks loudly.
I have read that text thoroughly.

Can a adverb describe another adverb, adjective or sentence?

Yes. An adverb can modify or describe an adjective, another adverb or sentences.

For example:
The view is absolutely beautiful.
The match ended too early.

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