Conjunctions and prepositions

8 important questions on Conjunctions and prepositions

What is a conjunction?

A conjunction is a word that links other words, phrases or clauses together.

For example:
My brother loves surfing and swimming, but he hates getting wet.

There are three types of conjunctions. Name them.

1) coordinating
2) correlative
3) subordinating

What does a coordinating conjunction do?

This type links words, phrases, and clauses of equal grammatical rank.

For example:
I'd like pizza or salad for lunch.
We needed to be alone, so we left the room.
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What does FANBOYS mean in the coordinating conjunctions?


What does correlative conjunctions do?

These conjunctions are pairs of conjunctions that work together.
Think of:
1) either/or
2) neither/nor
3) not only/but also
4) both/and

Which conjunctions do you recognize in the following sentences:
I do not only feel sad but also angry.
I finished both my essay and my assignment

Correlative Conjunctions.

What does a subordinating conjunction do?

These conjunctions combine independent clauses with words as:
because, since, as, although, though, while, whereas, until, after, before…

For example:
I can stay out until the clock strikes twelve.

What is a preposition?

Prepositions tell us where or when something is in relation to something else.

For example:
- A relation to another noun > My laptop is onthe desk beside you
- A relation to purpose or contrast > •We went to this morning’s lecture despite the early hour

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