Who deserves what? / Aristotle

6 important questions on Who deserves what? / Aristotle

What are two ideas central to Aristotle’s political philosophy

1. Justice is teleological. Defining rights requires us to figure out the telos (the purpose, end, or
essential nature) of the social practice in question.
2. Justice is honorific. To reason about the telos of a practice, or to argue about it, is, at least in part,
to reason or argue about what virtues it should honor and reward.

What is the purpose of politics?

we have to inquire into the purpose, or telos, of politics. We have to ask: what is political association for? This is very difficult. We view politics as a procedure that enables persons to choose their ends for themselves

What is a polis (political community)?

the end and purpose of a polis is the good life, and the institutions of social life are means to that end. Those who are the best at deliberating about the common good, Those who are the greatest in civic excellence, are the one who merit the greatest share of political
recognition and influence. Here again, we see how the teleological and honorific aspects of justice go
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Why is politics essential in the good life?

1) the laws of the polis inculcate good habits, form good
character and set us on the way to civic virtue.
2) the life of the citizen enables us to exercise capacities for deliberation and practical wisdom that would otherwise lie dormant. (this is not the thing we can
do at home)

What is justice for Aristotle?

justice is a matter of fit. To allocate rights is to look
for the telos of the social institutions, and to fit persons to the roles that suit them, the roles that enable
them to realize their nature. Giving persons their due means giving them the offices and honors they
deserve and the social roles that accord with their nature.

What are Objections from liberal theorie (Kant, Rawls) against Aristotle?

Justice is not about fit but about choice. Let people choose their roles for themselves.
Aristotle: slavery is necessary and it must be natural (to fulfil the job) Some are slave from natural . But coercion is a sign of injustice. (unnatural fit): those who are cat in a role consistent with their nature don’t need to be forced

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