Justice and the common good

3 important questions on Justice and the common good

What is the Public philosophy in the 60s and 70s?

Government should be neutral on religious and moral questions, so that each individual could be free to
choose his own conception of the good life.

What are tree approaches to justice?

1. Maximizing utility or welfare
2. Respecting freedom of choice
3. Cultivating virtue and reasoning about the common good -> Sandel’s preference

A politics of the common good: What might a new politics of the common good look like? 4 things

1. Citizenship, sacrifice and service
- ‘ You invest in America and America invests in you.’
2. The moral limits of markets
- Markets are useful instruments for organizing productive activity.
3. Inequality, solidarity and civic virtue
- Too great gap between rich and poor undermines the solidarity that democratic citizenship requires.
4. A politics of moral engagement

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