Air Law - ATM

18 important questions on Air Law - ATM

ATS System Capacity and Air Traffic Flow Management

Depends on many factors:
- the ATS route structure
- the navigation accuracy of the aircraft using the airspace
- Weather-related factors
- Controller workload

Change from IFR to VFR Flight

No reply, other than the acknowledgement "IFR FLIGHT CANCELLED AT ... (TIME)", should normally be made by an air traffic services unit.

Air Traffic Clearance

Air Traffic Control Units issue air traffic clearance for two reasons:
- To prevent collisions
- To expedite and maintance of an orderly flow of air traffic
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Altimeter Setting Procedures

On approach using QFE, the vertical position of the aircraft shall be expressed in terms of height above aerodrome elevation.
Altimeter settings provided to aircraft shall be rounded down to the nearest lower whole hectoPascal

Air Traffic Incident Report

Should be submitted to the air traffic services unit concerned, for incidents specifically related to the provision of air traffic services involving such occurences as aircraft proximity (AIRPROX) or other serious difficulty resulting in a hazard to aircraft.

Lateral Separation Criteria and Minima

  1. Using the same or different geographic locations, by position reports visually or by reference to navigation aid.
  2. Using the same navigation aid or method, by requiring aircraft to fly specified tracks which are seperated by a minimum amount appropriate to the navigation aid or method employed

Horizontal Separation - VOR


Horizontal Separation - NDB


Longitudinal Separation Based on Time

Same Cruising Level / Same track
  1. 15 minutes
  2. 10 minutes if navigation aids permit frequent determination of position and speed
  3. 5 minutes in the following cases, provided that in each case the preceding aircraft is maintaining a true airspeed (TAS) of 20 kt or more faster than the succeeding aircraft or 3 minutes in the following cases provided that in each case the preceding aircraft is maintaining a true airspeed (TAS) of 40 kt or more faster than the succeeding aircraft.

Longitudinal Separation Based on Distance using DME

Same Cruising Level / Same Track
- 20 NM or 10 NM
Same Cruising Level / Crossing Track
- 20 NM or 10 NM
Climbing / Descending on Same Track
- 10 NM at the time level is crossed
Climbing / Descending on Reciprocal Track
- At least 10 NM apart, or such other value as described by the appropriate ATC authority

Longitudinal Separation Minima Based on Distance Using RNAV

80 NM RNAV distance-based separation minima may be used on same - direction tracks in line with 10-minute longitudinal separation minimum.
Aircraft at Same Cruising Level / Same Track
- 80 NM RNAV
Aircraft Climbing or Descending on the Same Track
- 80 NM RNAV

Mach Number Technique

10 min.: Standard Mach number separation time
9 min.: preceding aircraft Mach 0.02 faster
8 min.: preceding aircraft Mach 0.03 faster 
7 min.: preceding aircraft Mach 0.04 faster
6 min.: preceding aircraft Mach 0.05 faster
5 min.: preceding aircraft Mach 0.06 faster

Air Traffic Control Clearance

Clearnace shall contain the following:
  • Aircraft identification
  • Clearance limit
  • Route of flight
  • Level(s) of flight
  • Instructions or information

Horizontal Speed Control Instructions

Only minor speed reductions not exceeding plus / minus 20 kt IAS should be used for aircraft on intermediate and final approach.
Speed controk should not be applied to aircraft after passing a point 4 NM from the threshold on final approach.

Emergency and Communications Failure

When contact with ATS fails on the designated frequency another frequency appropriate to the route should be used. If this fails, ATS shall communicate with other aircraft or other relevant ATS units. An aircraft operating within a network shall monitor the appropriate VHF frequency for calls from nearby aircraft.

Air-Ground Communication Failure VMC

If in VMC the aircraft shall:
  • Continue to fly in VMC
  • Land on the nearest suitable aerodrome
  • Report its arrival to the appropriate air traffic control unit

Air-Ground Communication Failure IMC

Maintain the last assigned speed and level, or minimum flight altitude if higher, for a period of 20 minutes following failure and thereafter fly the filed flight plan.
In airspace with ATS surveillance system: 7 minutes and Code 7600


Vertical separation:
  • 500' (VFR-IFR + SVFR)
  • 1000' (Standard)
  • 2000' (Non RVSM standard)
  • 4000' (Supersonic)
  • Longitudinal
  • Lateral

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