Air Law - Facilitation

9 important questions on Air Law - Facilitation

Aim of Annex 9 Facilitation

1.  Facilitate and expedite navigation between Contracting States
2. Prevent unnecessary delays to :

Entry and Departure of aircraft

Governmental regulations and procedures applicable to the clearance of aircraft shall be no less favourable than those applied to other forms of transportation

Advance Notification to a State of Intended Landing

‘All ICAO contracting states shall accept the information contained in a flight plan as adequate advance notification of the arrival of in-coming international air traffic, provided that such information is received at least two hours in advance of arrival and that the landing occurs at a previously assigned international airport.’
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Completion of Aircraft Documents

May befurnished in:
English, Arabic, French, Russian or Spanish.

•Illnesses on board
•DisinfectionAuthorised agent or PIC

Outbound / Inbound procedures

•General Declaration -   3 copies
•Cargo Manifest -  3 copies
•Store List -  3 copies

Entry and Departure of Crew and other Operators’ Personnel

•ID for flight & Cabin Crew
•Attesting to Professional Qualities (!)
•No Visa Needed (except your Visa credit card of course)
•No Passport needed if with same aircraft returning or      continue route and not entering the country.

CMC (Crew Member Certificate)

Passenger Identity Documents

ID with photo:

•Crew Member Certificates
•Plus: Visa

Passenger Identity Documents Contracting States shall

Contracting States shall:

•Not require from visitors by air any other document of identity than a valid passport
•Standardise the personal identification included in their national passports (whether machine readable or not)
•Refrain from issuing a joint passport to two spouses (one person, one passport)

Entry and Departure of Cargo

•Prevent unnecessary delays
•Modern scan equipment
•Cargo manifest

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