Air Law - Aerodromes - Markings

9 important questions on Air Law - Aerodromes - Markings

Runway Designation Marking

Two-digit number (L, C, R)

Intermediate Holding Positioning Marking

(Taxiway Intersection Marking)
Yellow dashed line

Aircraft Stand Markings

Should be provided for designated parking positions on paved aprons and de/anti-icing facilities
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Apron Safety Lines

Should be provided on a paved apron as required by the parking configurations and ground facilities and shall be located so as to define the areas intended for use by ground vehicles to provide safe separation from aircraft

ILS Critical Area Hold Position Markings

Gele ladder met rode ILS bord
Indicates the boundary of the ILS critical area. Do not cross unless cleared. When exiting the area, a yellow ILS Critical Area Boundary sign will be adjacent to this marking. All parts of your aircraft must cross this marking to be clear of the ILS critical area

Runway Boundary Sign

This sign faces the runway and is visible to pilots exiting the runway. It is located next to the yellow holding position markings painted on the taxiway pavement. Taxi past this sign to be sure you are clear of the runway

Runway Holding Position Markings

This painted marking is found on taxiways at runway intersections and indicates where an aircraft is to stop. The solid lines are on the side where the aircraft is to hold and the dashed lines are always on the side toward the runway. Do not cross the markings until cleared

ILS Critical Area Boundary Sign

Located next to the ILS holding position markings and is seen by pilots leaving the ILS critical area. When ILS approaches are in use, be sure your aircraft has passed beyond this sign before stopping on the taxiway.

Closed Runway and Taxiway Marking

Yellow Cross.
Indicates a closed runway or taxiway. On a permanently closed runway, it will be placed at each runway end and at 1000 ft intervals. It will also be placed at each entrance of a permanently closed taxiway. A raised-light x, plywood or fabric may be used in lieu of a pavement marking

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