Radio Navigation - Airborne Weather Radar (AWR)

5 important questions on Radio Navigation - Airborne Weather Radar (AWR)

AWR primary task

The primary function is to detect potentially turbulent clouds such as thunderstorms which have to be avoided.

AWR secondary task

The secondary function is ground mapping to check the aircraft position relative to cities, mountains or large water surfaces.

Antenna transceiver movement

The antenna is stabilized in the horizontal (azimuth) plane by signals from the aircraft’s attitude reference system and swings 60-90 degrees left and right of the longitudinal axis in order to scan a 120-180 degrees wide sector.
When necessary, the antenna can be manually tilted up and down by plus or minus 15 degrees.
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AWR control panel

• On/off switch;
• Range knob;
• Gain knob;
• Tilt knob;
• Mode knob;
• Ground clutter suppression switch.

Ground clutter suppression switch

When installed, the ground clutter suppression (GCS) switch allows for the removal of (ground) echoes that do not or hardly change. For this function use is made of Doppler techniques.

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