Air Law - Aerodromes - Lighting

11 important questions on Air Law - Aerodromes - Lighting

Aeronautical Ground Light

All Aeronautical ground lights shall be operated:
- Continuously during the hours of darkness
- At any other time when their use, based on meteorological conditions, is considered desirable for the safety of air traffic

Elevated Approach Lights

Elevated Approach lights and their supporting structures shall be frangible (breekbaar) within 300 m from the threshold

Simple Approach Lighting system

Two types:
- Single source
- Barrette
The simple approach lighting system, where practicable, shall be installed for non-instrument runways (code 3 & 4) intended to be used at night as well as non-precision runways.
Consists of a row of lights on the extended centre line of the runway extending, whenever possible, over a distance of not less than 420 m from the threshold with a row of lights forming a crossbar 18 m or 30 m in length at a distance of 300 m from the threshold.
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Visual Approach Slope Indicator systems

PAPI (Precision Approach Path Indicator)
APAPI (Abbreviated Precision Approach Path)
HAPI (Helicopter Approach Path Indicator)

RWY Edge Lights

Threshold displaced -> beginning-threshold RED
May show YELLOW in the cautionary remote end of runway area

RWY Centre Line Lights

Fixed lights showing variable white from the threshold to the point 900 m from the runway end, alternate red variable white from 900 m to 300 m from the runway end, and red from 300 m to the runway end. (if runway is less than 1800 m from the mid-point/300 m)

Taxiway Centre Line Lights

Shall be provided on:
- An exit taxiway
- Taxiway
- De-icing/anti-icing facility
- Apron
- In runway visual range conditions less than a value of 350 m

Taxiway Edge Lights

Taxiway edge lights shall be fixed lights showing blue. The lights shall show up to at least 75 degrees above the horizontal at all angles in azimuth necessary to provide guidance to a pilot taxiing in either direction

Runway Guard Lights

Runway guard lights, consisting of 2 pairs of yellow lights visible to the pilot of an aircraft taxiing to the holding position.

Taxiway Intersection Lights

Yellow ground lights by intersection ground marking indicating an intersection

ROAD-Holding Position Light

Stoplicht met stopbord

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