Operational Procedures

9 important questions on Operational Procedures

Class A fire

H2O, foam, dry powder, CO2/Halon

Class B fire

Foam, dry powder, CO2/halon

Aircraft categories (Vat)

A < 91 kt
B 91 - 120 kt
C 121-140 kt
D 141 - 165 kt
E 166 - 210 kt
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Visual approach minimum RVR

800 m

ETOPS en-route alternate

Precision approach
- DA/H 200 ft
- RVR 800 m
Non-Precision approach/circling
- MDA/H 400 ft
- RVR 1500 m

Mach number technique

10: standard
9: 0.02 faster
8: 0.03 faster
7: 0.04 faster
6: 0.03 faster
5: 0.02 faster

Wake turbulence following Heavy

H: 4NM
M: 5NM, 2 min.
L: 6NM, 3 min.

Wake turbulence following Medium

H: 3NM
M: 3NM
L: 5NM, 3 min.

Dynamic hydroplaning speed formula

V = 9 x P^1/2
V = 7.7 x P^1/2

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