Air Law - Security

7 important questions on Air Law - Security

Preventive Security Measures

‘To prevent any weapons, explosives or any other dangerous devices which may be used to commit an act of unlawful interference.’

Passengers and their Cabin Baggage

•Screened prior to boarding.
•Adequate security to prevent unauthorized goods onboard.
•No possibility of mixing of contacts after security screening points.

Special Categories of Passengers

•Passengers who are obliged to travel because they have been the subject of judicial or administrative proceedings. Operator and PIC are informed!
•Armed persons their seat location. PIC is notified!
•Cariage of weapons on board aircraft by law enforcement officers (on duty) -> special authorization
•Armed personnel other Statelaws/agreements
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Measures Relating to Acces Control

•Security restricted areas procedures/identification in respect of persons/vehicles.
•Background checks other than passengers (unescorted areas).
•Supervision over movement of persons/vehicles.

National Aviation Security Program

Each Contracting State shall establish and implement a written national civilav aiation security program to safeguard civil aviation operations against acts of unlawful interference, through regulations, practises and procedures which take into account the safety, regularity and efficiency of flights. An authority shall be specified to ICAO to perform this function and shall assess the level of threat as well as update the security program as recquired.

Regulations, practises and procedures to safeguard to/at/from civil aviation operations -> written!

Management of response to acts of unlawful interference

•Endeavour to notify ATS (circumstances,deviation of flightplan)
•Transponder Mode A, code 7500
•Transponder Mode A, code 7700
–If available Mode C NO RESPONSE -> ATS!
No reference air-ground comms, unless reffered by aircraft involved and will not aggravate situation

PIC unable to select transponder codes/contact

•ATS ->
-Attempt two-way comms,
-Determine aircraft’s postion,
-Inform other ATS units in area,
-Inform military units,
-Request ATC, military and othe raircraft to establish comms/position

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