Air Law - Aerodromes - Signs

12 important questions on Air Law - Aerodromes - Signs

Mandatory Instruction Signs

A mandatory instruction sign shall consist of an inscription in white on a red background (these are the only signs utilising red). These signs shall be placed on the left hand side of the taxiway and where practicable shall also be placed on the right hand side.

Aircraft Stand Identification Signs Application, Location and Characteristics

An aircraft stand identification marking, consisting of an inscription in black on a yellow background should be supplemented with an aircraft stand identification sign where feasible and located as to be clearly visible from the cockpit of an aircraft prior te entering the stand.

ILS Critical Area Holding Position Sign

ATC may hold you at this sign, on a taxiway, when the instrument landing system is being used at the airport. Aircraft taxiing beyond this point may interfere with the ILS signal to approaching aircraft.
RED ILS sign
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Runway Approach Area Holding Position Sign

If instructed by ATC, hold here until cleared to cross. Taxiing beyond this sign may interfere with operations on the runway. It is located next to the yellow holding position markings painted on the taxiway pavement. RED sign (15-APCH)

Taxiway Location Sign

Indicates the taxiway you are on. May be co-located with direction signs or runway holding position signs.
Standalone: BLACK sign with YELLOW border and YELLOW letter.

Runway Holding Position Sign

If this is your departure runway, or if instructed by ATC, hold here. This sign is located next to the yellow holding position marking painted on taxiways that intersect runways and on runways  that intersect other runways.

Direction Signs and Location Sign

The black location sign indicates you are on taxiway Alpha. The yellow direction signs indicate the direction of intersecting taxiways.

Inbound Destination Sign

Indicates a destination on the airport, with an arrow pointing out the direction to that destination. In this example the military installation is to your right.

Outbound Destination Sign

Indicates a common taxi route to runways, with an arrow pointing out the direction of the taxi route. A dot . Separates two destinations.

Runway Location Sign

Identifies runway on which your aircraft is located.

Direction Sign for Runway Exit

Indicates an exit from a runway. Located just prior to the intersection, on the same side of the runway as the exit.

Taxiway Ending Marker

Indicates the taxiway does not continue.
Located on the far side of the intersection.

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