Air Law - SAR

6 important questions on Air Law - SAR

Establishment and provision of SAR service

Search and rescue (SAR) is the search for and provision of aid to people who are in distress or imminent danger.

Establishment of SAR regions

Contracting states shall delineate the search and rescue regions within which they will provide SAR service. Such regions shall not overlap and neighbouring regions shall be contigeous.

Establishment and Designation of SAR Service Units

Each rescue coordination centre (RCC) and, as appropriate, rescue sub-centre, is staffed 24 hours a day by trained personnel proficient in the use of the language used for radiotelephony communications.
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Procedure PIC at the Scene of an Accident

•Keep in sight until presence is no longer necessary
•Determine the position
•Report as much as possible. E.g. Type, identification, condition, location, time, persons observed, persons abandoning the craft, condition survivors, on scene weather, access route
•Act s instructed by RCC or ATS

Procedures for PIC Intercepting a Distress Transmission

•Acknowledge the distress transmission
•Record the position (if given)
•If possible take a bearing on the transmission
•Inform RCC/ATS
•proceed to the position given in the transmission

Signals with surface Craft Manoeuvres performed to direct a surface craft towards an aircraft or a surface craft in distress:

•Circling the surface
•Crossing the projected course of the surface craft close ahead at low altitude and:
  - rockingthewings
  - opening and clossing throttle
  - changing propeller pitch
•Heading in the direction in which you want to be followed

No longerrequired:
As crossing but astern

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