Measurement - Reliability & Validity

7 important questions on Measurement - Reliability & Validity

What do reliability and validity express?

How adequately measurement connects concrete measures to abstract concepts.

What are the four scale types?

Visual analog scale, semantic differential, guttman scale and the likert scale.

What is a reflective construct?

It has a causal influence on the itemscores measuring that construct
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What is a formative construct?

The construct themselves are the result of the different itemscores measuring that construct.

When do qualitative data adequately represent the construct of interest?

Truthfulness implies authenticity instead of validity.
  • Subject authenticity: giving a sincere account of one's social life.
  • Researcher authenticity: staying true to a subject's view without disorting it.

When is a measure reliable?

If repeated measurements are consistent under similare circumstances.

How can you increase the reliability of measurements?

  • Clearly conceptualize all constructs in definition.
  • Increase level of measurement.
  • Use multiple indicators.
  • Use pilots and replications.

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