Survey & Interview - Surveys

5 important questions on Survey & Interview - Surveys

Which 4 types of surveys do exist?

  • Face-2-face interview
  • Telephone interview
  • Self-administered paper survey
  • Self-administered web survey

What are the three rules when writing survey questions?

  • Keep it clear
  • Keep it simple
  • Perspective-taking

What are some issues that can occur when designing the survey questions?

  • Choosing scale types
    • Measurement level and precision
    • Ranking vs rating vs agreement
  • Order effects
    • Be aware of sensitive topics
  • Context effects
    • Funnel sequence
  • Response set bias
    • Acquiescence bias
    • Dissent bias
    • Consider reverse coding
  • Higher grades + faster learning
  • Never study anything twice
  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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What are three ways to filter questions?

  • Standard-format: no opinion choice not offered.
  • Quasi-filter: no opinion choice offered.
  • Full-filter: fist ask whether the respondent has opinion.

What are some issues that can occur when designing questionnaires?

  • Length of the survey
  • Skip or contingency questions
  • Format and layout

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  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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