Survey & Interview - Interviews

7 important questions on Survey & Interview - Interviews

What is the ideal behavior of the interviewer?

  • Not judgmental
  • Does not correct errors
  • Remains neutral and objectives
  • Controls the topic
  • Keeps consistent tone
  • Obtain cooperation
  • Reduce fear and embarrassment

What are the three types of interviews?

  • no questions prepared
  • unique interviews
  • flexible probing
  • low reliability
  • difficult to replicate
  • some questions prepared
  • partly unique interviews
  • partly flexible
  • partly replicable

  • questions prepared
  • similar interviews
  • rigid
  • high reliability
  • replicable

What are the 3 interview stages?

  1. Entry: introducing yourself, securing cooperation.
  2. Main interview: asking questions and recording answers.
  3. Exit: thank respondent, leave and record important details.
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What is interviewer bias?

Interviewer behaviour influences respondent answers:
  • Wording of questions influences answers
  • Interviewer's visible characteristics
  • Social setting can also affect responses

Interview bias less pronounced in online and more structured interviews.

What are the 3 ways in which interviews can be transcripted?

  • Full/pure verbatim
  • Intelligent/smart verbatim
  • Edited/non verbatim 

What are the 3 types of interpretations?

  • 1st order: viewpoint of people being studied.
  • 2nd order: the researchers own viewpoint on the data.
  • 3rd order: the researchers connection between empirical data and abstract concepts or theory .

What are the ethic rules when it comes to surveys?

  • Respondents have right to privacy
    • Some questions may threaten privacy
    • Emphasize anonymity, confidentiality and privacy in informed consent
  • Respondents have right to stop the survey
    • Be careful with sensitive issues
  • Pseudosurveys
    • Manipulate respondents into doing something
  • Sloppy reporting permits abuse
    • Media disorts true survey findings

The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:

  • A unique study and practice tool
  • Never study anything twice again
  • Get the grades you hope for
  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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