Sampling - Populations & Samples

7 important questions on Sampling - Populations & Samples

What is a population?

The name for the large general group of many cases from which a researcher intends to draw a sample.

What is a sample?

A smaller set of cases a researcher selects from a larger pool and generalizes to the population.

Why do researchers take a sample?

Studying the entire population is often not possible and saves resources (time, money).
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Does sampling result in biased conclusions?

It depends on whether your sample is representative, excellent sampling ensures correct inferences about the population.

What is an adequate sampling ratio?

Goal is to draw with same characteristics as population, but the sample ratio depens on the population size. The bigger the population, the smaller the ratio.

What is a sampling bias?

When some members of the population have a lower chance on being sampled.

What is a sampling error?

Deviation in a sampled value versus the true population value due to the fact the sample is not representative of the population or biased in some way.

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