Polysaccharides - Alginate

13 important questions on Polysaccharides - Alginate

What are the functions of alginate in food structuring?

  • Viscosifier
  • Stabiliser/emulsifier
  • Gelling agent

What are properties of alginates?

  • Polymer of mannuronic acid (M) and guluronic acid (G)
  • Mw ca 10^5 Da (500 residues)
  • G and M present in M-M-M, G-G-G and G-M-G-M blocks
  • Relative abundance of G-, M- and GM blocks depends on seaweed origin
  • Ratio and length of blocks determines functionality

How does alginate form a gel?

The G-G (guluronic acid) blocks form a gel with Ca2+.
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What is alginate so broadly applicable?

  • Is able to form highly viscous solutions with good suspension-stabilising properties
  • Solution has fair stability at high temperature and pH
  • Is reactivity with Ca2+ ions enabling gel formation
  • Gels have a good thermo-stability

What is the difference in origin of alginate and pectin?

Alginate: sea weeds
Pectin: plants - fruit & vegetables

What is the difference in extraction between alginate and pectin?

Alginate: alkaline
Pectin: acid, high T, pH 1.5 (more modification of the structure)

What is the difference in building blocks between alginate and pectin?

Alginate: mannuronic acid/guluronic acid
Pectin: galacturonic acid (GalA)

Both uronic acids

What is the difference in substitution between alginate and pectin?

Alginate: none
Pectin: methyl esters

What is the difference in structural variation between alginate and pectin?

Alginate: sequence of ManA and GulA
Pectin: sequence of GalA and GalA^Me

What is the difference in enhancing viscosity between alginate and pectin?

Alginate: high ManA
Pectin: high GalA^Me

What is the difference in strong gel with Ca2+ between alginate and pectin?

Alginate: high GulA
Pectin: high GalA, low GalA^Me

How can you explain differences in viscosity and gelling behaviour of 2 alginates having the same GulA:ManA ratio?

Alginates that have longer GulA segments will be more sensitive to gel with Ca2+ than alginates that have longer ManA or GM-GM sequences.

GulA:ManA ratio is not sufficient to predict the functional behaviour of alginates.

What causes differences between alginates?

The different sources of brown seaweeds.

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