Introduction - Structure function relation

4 important questions on Introduction - Structure function relation

What are 6 techno-functional properties of proteins?

  1. Solubility
  2. Viscosity
  3. Water binding
  4. Gelation
  5. Emulsification/foaming
  6. Fat and flavour binding

What are 6 molecular properties of proteins?

  1. Charge
  2. Hydrophobicity
  3. Polarity
  4. Disulfide bridges
  5. Size (protein aggregates)
  6. Structure

What is the reason B-lactoglobulin forms a good foam and ovalbumin does not?

B-lactoglobulin has more exposed hydrophobic groups, this aggregates on the air/water interface and gives fast adsorption kinetics. This results in a better foaming ability.
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What happens to a foam of lysozyme when it is heated?

It has a higher foam height and is more stable.

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