Polysaccharides - Galactomannans

6 important questions on Polysaccharides - Galactomannans

How are galactomannans processed?

The seed pods of trees/plants (guar plant, locust bean, tara bean) are dehulled. Then the seeds are milled. Then you obtain galactomannan.

What is the occurrence and variation of galactomannans?

  • Storage polysaccharide that is present in many seeds
  • Backbone of beta-1,4-linked mannose residues
  • Substitution at O-6 with single unit side chains of alpha-linked galactose
  • Gal:Man ratio differs per type:
    • casia gum (G:M=1:8)
    • locust bean gum (G:M=1:4)
    • tara gum (G:M=1:3)
    • guar gum (G:M=1:2)
    • fenugreek gum (G:M=1:1)

What are the similarities and differences of cellulose and mannose?

Similarity is that they both have a beta-1,4-linkage.
Mannose: hydroxyl group at O2 up
Cellulose: hydroxyl group at O2 down
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How does galacturonic acid in galactomannans influence the solubility?

The galactose substitution prevents aggregation and therefore gives a high solubility.

How does substitution of galacturonic acid in galactomannans influence the gel strength?

The more naked backbone (so the less substitution) the stronger the gel.

How do galactomannans interact with xanthan?

The smooth regions of the locust bean gum molecule bind via cations to the helical xanthan structure.

Both are only viscosifiers, but make a gel when combined.

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