Polysaccharides - Prior knowledge - Polysaccharides: Functional properties

6 important questions on Polysaccharides - Prior knowledge - Polysaccharides: Functional properties

What are factors that influence the viscosity?

  • Conformation of monosaccharide unit - alpha/beta
  • Branching pattern - e.g. Many/few branches
  • Degree of polymerisation (DP) - # of monomeric units
  • Presence of charged groups - e.g. Uronic acid

How does the conformation of the monosaccharide unit influence viscosity?

An alpha conformation is more flexible, takes up less space and gives a lower viscosity.

How does the branching pattern influence the viscosity?

More branches makes the molecule smaller, so gives a lower viscosity.
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How does the degree of polymerisation (DP) influence the viscosity?

A smaller molecule takes up less space, so lower viscosity.

How does the presence of charged groups influence the viscosity?

Charged groups gives more repulsion, so more space and a higher viscosity.

What are the functional properties of polysaccharides?

  • Can give viscosity: movement causes friction
  • Can make a gel: network that retains water
  • Effect depends on structural/chemical characteristics

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