Learning Words - Understanding Speakers’ Intentions

3 important questions on Learning Words - Understanding Speakers’ Intentions

Dogs were particpating on an expiremten where everytime they heard a bell, they were signaled that diner was ready. But this resulted in everytime a bell rang, they came even though there was no food. What is this simple mind learning method called?

Associative learning, because there are only two events paired with each other.

How old are toddlers when they can handle pretty subtle clues from a speaker's preferential in order to find out what it means?

They are about two years old, if a researcher gets an object out of the box and calls it "toma", put its back and says again "ahh, that was the toma" children are likely to understand that the object that was held is the "toma"

What is the concern of the switch task?

Children do not get any clues and therefore it may not fully represent the real world, in comparison to the study of Baldwin who gave some clues to the children.

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