Learning Words - Complex Words

3 important questions on Learning Words - Complex Words

What  does analogy claim, in comparison to abstract rules?

An abstract rule involves actively combining a certain tag, the regular past tense from -ed with anything that matches the variable specified within the rule, in this case the verb stem.

Anology, however, involves similarities across different memorized words.

Hen is to rooster as aunt is to uncle

Why are there errors in children's speech like "doggy bat me" or "I truck myself"?

Because even irregular forms don't show a completely random relationship between the present and past forms. It would be odd to say that stap would be the past tense of the verb like frond. Instead, irregulars tend to show up in pockets of semiregular patterns:


What did the connectionist model predict (Rumelhart and McClelland, 1986)?

Their connectionist model of the past tense treats verb stems and past-tense forms as bundles of sound that are associatively linked together in memory. The model’s job is to learn to predict which sounds make up the past-tense form, given a particular verb stem

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