Learning Words - Reference and Concepts - LANGUAGE AT LARGE How different languages cut up the concept pie

4 important questions on Learning Words - Reference and Concepts - LANGUAGE AT LARGE How different languages cut up the concept pie

What is the result of concepts being less obvious crying out for their own words?

Languages vary widely in how they match up words and meanings

What is an example of languages varying a lot from each other?

In several languages, like Korean, the relative age of family members have different words. There is a different word for an older brother than for a younger brother. And in Hawaiian, the name for an aunt or mother are the same.

How are lexical gaps sometimes filled?

Taking languages form ther coutnries, like déjà vu from French or robot from Czech.
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How does a child or adult learn an accurate understanding of a word meaning?

Being exposed to many situations in which it is appropriate, and inferring its nuanced meaning from the contexts of its use.

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