Learning Sound Patterns - Where Are the Words? - METHOD The head-turn preference paradigm

6 important questions on Learning Sound Patterns - Where Are the Words? - METHOD The head-turn preference paradigm

For what ages can the head-turn preference paradigm be used?

4.5 months and up to 18 months, because older is unreliable and they are not that quiet.

Why does the parent wear a headphone and a blind fold during the head-turn preference paradigm?

this prevents the adult from hearing the experimental stimuli and either purposely or inadvertently giving cues to the baby

What are the two principles, applied to speech perception, that he head-turn preference paradigm is based on?

- Babies turn their heads to orient to sounds.

- Babies spend more time orienting to sounds that they find interesting.
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The head turn preference paradigm is recorded and watched by an unseen observer. What can and can't the observer do?

-  Can't hear the stimuli sounds.
-  Does not know which experimental condition the child has
- Observer has control over the sequences of events that occur

Why is there a flashing light mounted next to the video camera, which is straight ahead in the child's view?

It can be activated to draw the child's attention to a neutral point before the experimental stimuli are played. The stimuli of interest are then played on two speakers, mounted on the left and right walls

What are the three goals for the familiarization phase in the head-turn preference paradigm?

1. Have the infant become familiar with the sound stimuli
2. Train the baby to expect sounds coming from the left and right speaker
3.  Tightly lock together the head-turn behavior to the infant’s auditory attention (flashing a light in the location of the speaker before each sound, and by making sure that sounds during the familiarization phase are played only for as long as the baby looks in
the direction of the sound)

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