Sociological level: structuration theory & actor-network theory - Structure

4 important questions on Sociological level: structuration theory & actor-network theory - Structure

Of what is structure in the structuration theory heavily influenced?

By social constructivism

What happens if you talk about strucutre from a perspective of structuration theory?

it does not exist as a separate entity. You are never able to point at something to say “this is structure”. It wouldn’t make sense. So therefore is doesn’t really exist.

What is the only way in which social structure exists, instead of a seperate entity?

in our intersubjective understanding as human beings. And that there are some rules, laws and norms that we aren’t supposed to transgress. So structure exists somewhere in our subjective understanding or perceptions so idealism for perceptions.
But it is not physically there.
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Giddens says that structure is important because “a source of constraint on the free initiative of the independently constituted subject”. What does he mean by that?

We just talked about agency, human agency (so our capability of doing things) and structure (the rules in society and the things that we know we aren’t supposed to do or are supposed to do) will determine the extent of which we have agency.

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