Sociological level: structuration theory & actor-network theory - Examples constraining agency

5 important questions on Sociological level: structuration theory & actor-network theory - Examples constraining agency

What are filter bubbles?

your capability of finding information with your searching for information can also be hampered by search engines because they just recreate the profile that you already have.

What is hampered because of filter bubbles?

Your capacity of finding useful information is hampered  by filter bubbles or search engines if you assume that filter bubbles exist. And that evidence is not clear cut of filter bubbles.

What are the three (r)evolutions that gave people agency?

1) book press (16 century)
2) railroads & telegraph (19th century)
3) internet & (computing) 21st century
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What will the internet give you if you are from a marginalized group/social exclusion society?

the internet will enable your agency and transformative capacity that you would not be able to do without internet.

What role did agency play in the technology of the gamestop fiasco with stockbrokers?

Technology in this case gave agency to people, to individual people on life of wallstreet. You can just buy this mechanism that could actually rockture much of the financial logic underlying stock market. They took away agency from stock market as an entity and gave agency to individual people.

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