Sociological level: structuration theory & actor-network theory - Duality

7 important questions on Sociological level: structuration theory & actor-network theory - Duality

Social structure is drawn upon by agents in their day-to-day actions. We only have our user agency to the extent that it is not prohibited (--> Prohibition is the act or practice of forbidding something by law) by structure.  What does that mean?

This means that this agency Is affectively constraint or enabled by structure.

Why do we want rules that we put into motion?

because we want some people to have extra agency.

Social structure is drawn upon by agents. Which means that agency is constrained or enabled by structure. What else?

social structure is produced and reproduced by action because of people rely on social structure (on the rules, values and norms that exists) then by their own agents (actions) then they will produce or reproduce the norms that existed and that they used in order to have or decide on some kind of action.  --> we call this a recursive relationship
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What role does technology play in the structuration theory?

Technology is a layer in between agency and structure. The reason for this is because technologies have the potential to constrain or enable people’s agency.

What are the consequences of technology having the potential to constrain or enable peoples agency?

that technology act as structure. We just talked about structure constraining agency, well technology also constrains agency. Therefore, it is a structural layer.

What is typical when you technology constraints human agency?

You typically see some examples of panics, some people feeling threatened basically or constrained in their agency. --> panic

What is typical when technology is able to enable agency?

then you will get a hype. However, both cases (technology causing hype or panic) will not necessarily result in panic or hype

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