Actor Network Theory (ANT) - Latoru - Socio-technical account

3 important questions on Actor Network Theory (ANT) - Latoru - Socio-technical account

What is mandatory when you want to talk about technology in the socio-technical account context?

- No technological privilege --> in order to not be able to deconexualized and distinguish between different levels of analysis.

All of these specific elements can be called agents or actors in a way (individual, technology, individual, structure). But without what can they not be defined?

The elements cannot be defined without looking at all of the other elements or agents within the network.

What happens if you take one agent out of the socio-technical machinery?

than the machinery stops working. If you take social structure out of there, nothing is left. You cannot cycle on and on. You cannot decontextualize specific elements in an actor network --> MAIN POINT OF THIS ARGUMENT

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