Introduction, 'smart' technology, ethics and AI

4 important questions on Introduction, 'smart' technology, ethics and AI

Examples of language technology, can you think of any?

1. Chatbots
2. Voice assistants
3. Grammar check, autocorrect
4. Machine translation
5. Search engines/recommender systems (e.g. google, YouTube, Spotify)
6. Sentiment analysis
7. Spam filtering, content moderation

What questions are important to ask when developing language technology?

1. What happens if it works well?
2. What happens if it doesn’t work well?
3. Who is this system likely to be successful for?
if you have a dialect the speech systems won’t work very well and if you talk very clear it will recognize it.
4. Who is this system likely to be unsuccessful for?
5. How do we measure success, anyway? What is a good or a bad system, how can we tell?
(more detail in the upcoming weeks)

What is an example of machine translation?

Microsoft Translator (2019) announced that their translator would be just as good as human translators.

Is this even possible?
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Another example of machine translation, is Google Translate which translated the Turkish language. What happened with this?

The Turkish language does not use pronouns. So the sentence: "o bir doktor" could mean he or she is a doctor. But Google just said "he is a doctor" which was found racist by people. They later fixed it with showing both options with this sentence, but the mistake keeps showing up with other sentences. Therefore, it was not totally fixed.

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