Introduction, 'smart' technology, ethics and AI - Machine translation - Machine translation: stakeholders

6 important questions on Introduction, 'smart' technology, ethics and AI - Machine translation - Machine translation: stakeholders

Who is impacted by this piece of technology directly?

- users (rely on the quality of the translations)

Who is impacted by this piece of technology indirectly?

- authors (misrepresented)
- subjects (misgendered, wrongfully accused)
- society at large (perpetuated stereotypes hinder equality)

What is an adventage of using machine translation?

It is great if it works well! It speeds up the translating process from a big text, and then you can change it a bit.
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What are the disadvantages of using machine translation?

It affects real people.
- misgendering people, perpetuating gender-stereotypes
- making false claims about people, leading to wrongful arrests.
- those mistakes result from a focus on individual sentences.

How can find mistakes in machine translation when we focus on individual sentences?

- we can only find these mistakes when we look at the whole context
- as users, we need to remain critical: computers make mistakes too!

What else can we do to find mistakes in machine translation?

more awareness (that’s why we have this course!)
better evaluation methods. (perfect for communication scientists!)
this is also what you are going to do in the research part.

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