Dual-processing models - Heuristic processing

4 important questions on Dual-processing models - Heuristic processing

Which one of the processes has low MAO (motivation, ability and opportunity)?

Heuristic processing

How does heuristic processing work?

Mostly associations: “spreading activation” of nides in memory

--> means that it is based on the notes in memory that are activated as a function of incoming information. There is no evaluation of truth. Things  that come into mind make up the truth.

What type of processing is heursitically processing?

- fast & efficient, automatic --> it would be very insufficient to always reason systematically
- reliance on easily accessible information

- no critical evaluation of ‘truth conditions’ --> you can make very bad decisions
                - “the text is difficult, so the writer must be smart”
               - “it’s a Swiss watch, so it must be of high quality”

- This is the route of intuition & gut feeling!
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What are the consequences of heuristically processing?

- typically generates weaker linkages in memory: generally not very durable but: less susceptible to cognitive dissonance, motivated reasoning, reactance (bolstering) and counterarguing --> drinking a lot is a consequence of heuristic processing

- habitual & impulsive behavior --> habits too. If you do things a lot it does not require to think about it too much.

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