Skin and biomaterial infection - Antibiotics

6 important questions on Skin and biomaterial infection - Antibiotics

What is the target of Penicillins, ampicillin, cephalosporins, bactracin, vancomycin?

Cell wall synthesis

What is the target of streptomycin, cholaroamphenicol, erythromycin, tetracyclins, gentamicin, kanamycin?

Protein synthesis, block ribosome (translation)

What is the target of sulfonamide, trimethoprim?

Synthesis esseential metabolies
  • enzymes metabolic pathways
  • folic acids
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What is the target of Quinolones, Rifampin?

  • DNA synthesis (replication)
  • RNA synthesis (transcription)

Active vs Passive antibiotic resistance

Active resistance
  • Enzymes digesting or modifying antibiotics (ß-lactamase, ESBLs Carbapenemases, aminoglycosidase)
  • Active excretion of antibiotic, membrane protein pumps

Passive resistance
  • Change in target so antibiotic will not bind
    • Alternative PBP’s → MRSA
    • Point mutations

Explain Horizontal gene transfer of resistance genes

  1. Conjugative plasmids: sex pili
  2. (Conjugative) transposons: transposase, “jumping genes”
  3. Natural competence: uptake foreign naked DNA
  4. Bacteriophages

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