
10 important questions on Arboviruses

Why are insects, birds, bats, planes an effective way for transmission of a pathogen?

  • Infections that spread on wings can reach a large area
  • blood-sucking insects get directly the pathogen into the blood stream
    • but vector pathogen that rely on vectors have an adaptation to survive in the different host species

Which are the mosquitoes-borne genra?

Mosquitoes of the Culicinae Cluex or Aedes
  • Culex
    • avian reservoirs (birds)
    • virus cause encephalitis-like (brain inflammation) diseases
  • Aedes
    • primate reservoirs
    • virus cause haemorrhagic disease (bleeding of organs)

What are the different Aedes mosquitoes?

Aedes aegypti
  • complex life cycle with changes in shape, function and habitat
    • Egg (on water), larva (in water), pupa (in water), adult mosquito

Aedes albopictus
  • can survive in lower temperatures, but also took the ability over to pass the virus DENG/CHIKV over (from Ades aregypti)

--> Both are active at daytime

  • Spreading because of human travel, lack of or discontinuation of eradication campaigns, climate change
  • differences in ability to transmit virus exists between local mosquito population
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How does the transmission form human to insect occur?

Virus from blood into digestive system, gets out of the digestive system, goes into the salivary glands, releases the virus at the next meal

What if the yellow fever virus (YFV)?

  • (+)ssRNA enveloped virus
  • family Flavivirideae, genus Flavivirus
  • Transmitted by daytime active mosquitoes
  • Genomic polyprotein which can be cleaved
  • Vaccine available (works 100%)

What is the life cycle of Flavivirus? (YFV)

Flaviviruses enter cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis and release their nucleocapsid into the cytoplasm by fusing their membrane with the endosomal membrane. The fusion event is triggered by the acidic pH in the endosome and is mediated by the major envelope protein E. Replication occurs and via budding the virus exits the cell

What is the Dengue virus (DENV)?

  • Enveloped (+)ssRNA virus
  • family Flavivirideae, genus Flavivirus
  • Transmission by Aedes: Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopicutus
  • Genome encodes
    • 3 structural → capsid, membrane, and envelope
    • 7 nonstructural proteins

What is Chikungunya virus? (CHIKV)

  • Enveloped (+)ssRNA virus
  • family Togaviridae, genus Alphavirus
  • Genome encodes
    • structural polyprotein → subgenominc mRNA
    • non-structural polyprotein → host and viral proteases
  • Transmitted by Aedes:  Aedes aegypti and Aedes albpicutus

What is the Zika virus? (ZIKV)

  • Enveloped (+)ssRNA virus
  • family flavivirideae, genus Flavivirus
  • Transmitted by Aedes mosquito

What is West Nile virus? (WNV)

  • Transmitted by mosquitos of font-weightCulex (birds reservoir)
    • night active

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