Introduction parasitology

5 important questions on Introduction parasitology

What is the difference between intra- and inter- species associations?

Intra-species association: between animals of the same species
Inter-species association: between animals of different species

What are the differences between inter-species associations?

  • mutually beneficial association between 2 different species

  • both species can live independently from each other, but one (or both) may gain advantage form the association

  • being dependent on host and benefit from the association at the host's expense


What is a parasite?

A parasite maintains and multiplies at the expense of the host with which it lives

Ectoparasite: Parasites that exclusively live of the skin of their host  (ticks)

Endoparasite: Parasite that live inside their hosts: intestines, blood, tissues and organs (worms)
  • Protozoa: unicellular organisms
    • eukaryotic cell that lack some of the familiar organelles
  • Metazoa: multicellular organisms
    • eukaryotic cells that has specialised cells/organs (brain, digestive and reproduction system)
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What is the difference between the final and intermediate host?

Final host: organism in which the adult parasite is present and where sexual reproduction takes place

Intermediate host: organism in which the parasite undergoes a specific development and where asexual reproduction might occur but not sexual reproduction

What is the difference between a vector and a reservoir?

Vector: invertebrates organism that facilitates the transmission from one host to the next

Reservoir: some parasite occur in both human and animals. These animals are called reservoir hosts and are a source of infection for humans (zoonotic infections)

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