Skin and biomaterial infection - Biomaterial-associated infection (BAI)

5 important questions on Skin and biomaterial infection - Biomaterial-associated infection (BAI)

Which bacteria causes BAI?

Skin bacteria Staphylococcus epidermidis

Which elements are involved in pathogenesis of biomaterial-associated infection?

  1. Site of application of biomaterials
  2. Biomaterial characteristics
  3. Bacterial virulence factor (bioflim)
  4. Host factors predisposing for infection

Explain site of application of biomateral

  • External: no surgical wound, no porte d’entrée
    • Urinary catheters blocked
    • Endotracheal tubes
  • Transcutaneous: surgical wound and porte d’entrée
    • Intravenous catheters, shunts (insertion of needle = porte entrée for bacteria)
    • CAPD catheters
    • External fixation devices
  • Implanted: surgical wound, no porte d’entrée
    • Prosthetic joints (hip, knees, heart valves, hearts)
    • Pacemakers
    • Hydrocephalus shunts
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Explain bacterial virulence factor

  • For healthy humans S. epidermidis is a normal innocent skin inhabitant. Adherance to biomaterial surface S. epidermidis adhesins. Production of extracellualr polymeric matrix: biofilm
    • Adherence by specific adhesins for host proteins such as fibronectin
    • Production of “slime”, polysaccharide intercellular adhesin (PIA)
    • Biofilm production initiated by quorum sensing (bactreria produes sth and sense a production that they are many and initiate the production of biofilm by PIA)

Explain factors predisposing for infection

  • Reduced neutrophil phagocytic / respiratory burst activity
  • Due to presence of foreign body: “frustrated phagocytosis”
  • Due to bacterial components, such as Staphylococcus epidermidis extracellular polysacharide “slime”:

→ Combined influence of bacteria and biomaterial reduce defense

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