
4 important questions on Coronaviruses

What does the genome of CoV look like? And its membrane protein?

  • RNA genome (long) and has replicase, proofreading proteins within it
    • 1a and 1b are all the protein for replication of virus
  • Have spike proteins, which attaches to a receptor of the host

List the highly pathogenic CoV, and the non highly pathogenic?

Highly pathogenic
  • SARS-CoV
  • MERS-CoV
  • SARS-CoV 2

Non highly pathogenic
  • HCoV-229E
  • HCoV-OC43
  • HCoV-NL63
  • HCoV-HKU1
  • Delta coronavirus from pigs infect humans (+1 new)

What type of virus are the non highly pathogenic CoV?

Seasonal virus: less circulation of all non-pathogenic coronavirus in the summer months
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When do you get the first time a seasonal CoV?

You get infected before the age of 6

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