Neisseria meningitidis; Epidermiology

10 important questions on Neisseria meningitidis; Epidermiology

How is Neisseria meningitidis also called and what kind of bacteria is it?

  • Meningococcus
  • Gram-negative diplococcus

What is the natural habitat of N. Meningitidis?
Who are the carriers of the bacteria?
How are the risk factors associated to the carriers?

  • Natural habitat: Human nasopharynx

  • Infection is associated with age and the carriers are adolescents (15-19 years old)
    • Due to the risk factors: smoking, frequent bar/disco visits, kissing and crowds

Why is it important to know whether all meningococci from the same serogroup are identical?

Similarities between meningococcal isolates can indicate  the occurence of outbreak
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What are the typing methods for N. Meningitidis?

  • Phenotype
    • Serogroup
    • PorA epitope sequencing
    • FetA epitope sequencing
  • Genotype
  • Multi Locus Sequence Typing (MLST)

What are meningococcal sergroups?

  • Same species, different 'faces'
  • Polysaccharide capsule structure determines serogroup
    • 13 serogroup
    • Groups A, B, C, X, Y, W most prevalent in disease

What is the typing/annotation of N. Meningitides isolate? Nm:B:P1,7:F5-1

Nm: Neisseria meningitids
B: serogroup (capsule polysaccharide)
P1: PorA subtype (PorA VR1 and VR2 subtypes)
F: FetA subtype

What kind of vaccin is given against N. Meningitidis?

Capsular polysaccharide (CPS) conjugate vaccine

What are the benefits of the CPS vaccine?

  • Immunological memory
  • class switching and affinity maturation high affinity IgG
  • Effective in infants
    • growing large quantities N. Meningitidis, extract CPS, CPS conjugated to carrier protein
  • Effective against carriage - reduced transmission - protection of non-vaccinated individuals

What is the meningococcal ACWY multivalent vaccine?

Vaccine that contains CSP from different serogroups (ACWY)

What is the problem of making a vaccin against serogroup B? What is the solution for it?

Poorly immunogenic due to mimicry: CPS is identical to sialic acid in the nerve tissues
  • Use of outer membrane vesicle could be an alternative
  • PorA is an important protective antigen BUT variable

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