
5 important questions on Picornavirus

What is a picornavirus?

  • Family picornavirus, genus enterovirus: Poliovirus/Rhinovirus
  • Non-enveloped (+)ssRNA
  • VPg virion protein is liked to the genome, which directs translation of the mRNA
    • 4 structural proteins: 3 capside, 1 inside capside
    • 7 non-structural proteins: RNA polymerase,...
    • VP1 variable between enteroviruses and used to identify which virus it is
    • UTR 5' is not variable, since transcription starts there

How does poliovirus infect the host? Other enteroviruses?

Polio virus
  1. Enter body through mouth
  2. Replicates in the intestine where it can also enter the bloodstream
  3. attack the central nervous system (CNS) - spinal cord
  4. destruction of nerve cells causes paralysing
  5. Exit through feces (get into water maybe - infection elsewhere)

Other enteroviruses
  1. entry through mouth
  2. reproduction in oropharynx and intestine - mucosal surfaces
  3. lymph nodes
  4. blood
  5. multiple organs: skin, muscle, brain/meninges

Difference and similarities between enterovirus and rhinovirus

  • acid resistant (survive passage through the stomach
  • replication intestine
  • chronic infections possible


  • acid sensitive
  • replication respiratory tract
  • no chronic infectins

Both humoral immunity plays a major role: acute, self-limiting
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What is the life cycle of Enterovirus

  • Entry via receptor - polio: CD155
  • DNA transcribed in cytosom
  • Polio protein cleaved to get from one long polypeptide multiple proteins

What vaccine are against polio?

  • Inactivated: injection
  • Attenuated: oral (possible nutation to neurovirulence)

1 serotype, which implies a high degree of similarity in the surface antigens across all MV stains

Lot of variation due to mutation and/or recombination (with part of other virus from same family Enterovirus possible)

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