Biofilms, antimicrobials and resistance - In general: causative agent, clinic, diagnosis

3 important questions on Biofilms, antimicrobials and resistance - In general: causative agent, clinic, diagnosis

Which are the causative agents of urinary tracht infections?

Outside hospital
  • E. Coli
  • S. Saprophyticus, Gram neg rods (Klebsiella, Proteus)
Inside hospital 
  • E. Coli
  • Gram neg: psuedomonas
  • Gram pos: S. Aureus, enterococci

What are the E. Coli virulence factors used, for UTI?

  1. Entry of bacteria via urethra
  2. Bind to the uroepithelial cells by type 1 and P fimbriae
  3. Invasion, intracellular multiplication
  4. Apoptosis and exfoliation of bladder epithelial cells
  5. Influx of PMNs
  6. Bacteria goes to the kidney via ureters and binds via P. fimbriase to renal tubular epithelial cells
  7. Cytokines induced
  8. E.coli crosses tubular epithelial cell barrier and bacteria gets into the blood

How can you detect UTI?

Golden standard: culture of urine on a plate
  • Identification and antibiotic resistance determination

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