Introduction to Bacteriology

4 important questions on Introduction to Bacteriology

What are the properties of the host?

  • Child, adult, elderly
  • healthy or reduced resistance
  • vaccination

What are the 3 species of the genus Staphylococcus?

  • S. Aureus
  • S. Epidermis
  • S. Saprophyticus

What is infection and transmission?

The transfer of microorganisms from one place to another; possible multiplication, possible damage, possible reaction of the host
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What are the transmission ways of microorganisms?

  • Oral
    • via contaminated food and drink or saliva
  • droplets
    • via inhalation
  • direct inoculation
    • via injections, trauma or insect bites
  • direct skin contact
  • transplacental
  • sexual

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