
3 important questions on Morbillivirus

What is a morbillivirus (genus)?

  • Measles virus
  • Enveloped (-)ssRNA (antisense)
  • 6 structural proteins: nucleocapsid protein (N), phosphoprotein (P), matrix protein (M), fusion protein (F), attachment protein (H), and the large error-prone RNA-dependent RNA polymerase protein (L)
  • 2 nonstructural proteins: reading frameshift
    • Two additional nonstructural proteins (C and V) are encoded in the P transcription unit:  C protein is translated from an overlapping reading frame within the P gene, the V protein is initiated from the same start codon as P, but a frameshift is created by mRNA editing.

What is the life cycle/cellular receptors of measles virus?

  • Via recpetor binding: SLAM/CD150, Nectin-4, CD46 (luses different receptor to infect lymphocytes, dendritic cells and epithelial cells)
  • replication in the cytosol

What is the vaccine against Measles virus?

Live-attenuated genotype A strain
  • vaccination/recovery from measles infection = life-long protection from measles virus reinfection
  • therefore a children disease

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