Introduction in virology

5 important questions on Introduction in virology

What is a the kingdom of virus? What is a virome?

  • There is no separate kingdom for viruses
    • Viruses did not descend from a single prehistoric virus
  • Virus: not self-sustained but do evolve - not alive!

  • All the viruses in the body or in a certain organ

How are the viruses classified?

Viruse classify by
  • type of genome: ss, ds, RNA, DNA
  • symmetry of the particle
  • enveloped or non-enveloped
  • segmented genome or not
  • + (coding strand: ready for translation mRNA to protein)
  • - (no coding strand: complement DNA strand needed before translation is possible)

Why are viruses pathogenic?

Because they interfere with the metabolism of the cell and/or invoke a devastating immune response.
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What are the novel infectious threats?

  • Ongoing increase in the human population worldwide → Increasing numbers of livestock to feed this population
  • Declines in the nature habitats of wild animals make human vulnerable to pathogens transmitted by animals
  • Zoonoses intensified contact with animals (wild and domesticated)
  • Traveling increases spread: Airplanes (humans and food), Birds, bats, insects
  • Climate change (arthropod vectors, like mosquito expand)

What are the eradicated viruses?

Smallpox virus

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